Our Origin Story


About Us

The founders of Saint Stephen International College (SSIC)Yaounde, with a clear vision of the changing world, where quality education is the prerequisite for excellence and which at the same time in our society, is notaffordable by all, set out to provide quality education to all academic seekers.

As teachers, our technical know-how in teaching, coupled with enormous challenges in the field, pushed us to identify and put in place the human and physical, environmental as well as basic technological facilities necessary to facilitate learning.

Our Belief:

Everyone should have a shot at excellence irrespective of their socio-economic background. Only individual abilities should make a difference. In this light, every child should have equal rights to quality education.

St Stephen's Values


We stand by


To pursue excellence in all our endeavors

Christian Values

Our school environment promotes Christian values


Provide holistic growth and character formation


Quality education and good morals


We believe there is honor in serving each other


Impart a sense of responsibility to students


Inspiring learning that transforms life


We teach our students to be compassionate

Our Core Values


Qualities that define us

  • Accountability

    We hold ourselves accountable for our own actions when we fail in living up to standards and always strive for the best.

  • Community mindedness

    Community is our most valuable asset. We love the people and grasp every opportunity to lend a helping hand to community

  • Cooperation

    In an effort to foster community-mindedness, we like to contribute our own resources towards cooperative action to accomplish a community goals

  • Compassion

    We take everyone's feelings into consideration and do our best to lend a helping hand whenever we can

  • Leadership

    Our watchwords are: hard work, discipline, moral standards, uprightness, creativity, collaboration, collective effort

Our school provides Christ-centered high quality education where everyone is valued.

We are dedicated to bringing affordable high quality education for everyone regardless of socio-economic status

assuring moral and academic excellence for all towards the attainment of higher heights.

Our Goals


With God, we can

To create a nurturing environment that produces morally upright citizens who will be a transforming influence in the world

To collaborate with parents to help train up a generation of integral leaders who love learning and are sought after for their wisdom.

To prepare students spiritually, academically, and in accordance with their God-given potential, enabling them to handle the rigors of life with courage.

To help train up a generation of godly leaders who love learning and are sought after and recognized for their wisdom.

Our school will foster an environment to nurture individuals academically, socially, morally and emotionally

To equip students so they can tackle academic challenges and become productive members of society through hard work and excellence.

Years of Excellence
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Students Enrolled
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Qualified Teachers
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Mission Statement


What drives us

  • Excellence

    We are dedicated to a continuing tradition of excellence in an ever-changing world. Within a safe and supportive environment, we provide a relevant, high-quality education and we give equitable access to our diverse student body for future endeavors.

  • Enkindling hope

    We envisage the college as a river of blessings, enkindling hope and greatness to all irrespective of their socio-economic and cultural background through our motto: excellence for higher heights

  • Empowering Students

    We empower all students to demonstrate, acquire, articulate and value knowledge and good morals that will support them and integrate them in the ever-changing world

  • Affordability

    Making affordable high quality educational facilities towards the attainment of excellence.

SSIC logo main

Our Achievements


Success stories







School Anthem


Sing Along

Along the lower bank of the Biyeme river

Where farewell kiss of sunset rays strike

Is found Saint Stephen’s International College

Full of wisdom, knowledge, thus a place to belong

With “Excellence for Higher Heights”

A motto which we uphold

Created in two thousand and ten,

The rough humble beginning

Like a mustard seed that has become a tree

(Here we are the fruit of that tree 2x)

Give us the strength Lord to embark on success

A benchmark for which patron Saint Stephen is Martyr

Make this college, Lord, a great sanctuary to sound

Education with holistic growth and character formation.

We must have faith for with God we can and courage for

With God we can.